December 17, 2015

Far West Agribusiness Association - Winter Conference, January 12-14, 2016 - Twin Falls, ID

January 12 - 14, 2016

General Registration is Now Open.
Register before December 26, 2015 to received the early registration rate. 

Upcoming Presentations:
Olga Walsh, PhD,Research Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist, Cropping Systems Agronomy, University of Idaho, Parma Research & Extension Center:

  •  "Utilization Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) for Improved Crop Production"

The following will be discussed: 1) progress Idaho researchers have made in incorporating UAVs into agricultural research; 2) most promising uses of UAV systems for ID crop producers, depending on their objectives; 3) challenges in utilizing UAVs for ag research and farming; 4) newest safety and legal regulations to keep in mind. 
The talk will discuss a current collaborative study that aims to establish a UAV-based methodology for: 
in-season prediction of wheat yield potential, and prescribing N fertilizer rates. 
Safety & legal considerations, including exemptions, airworthiness certification, special conditions that guide the flights will be detailed.

  • "Precision Nitrogen Fertilizer and Water Application in Cereal Crops"

This talk will cover: 1)  current inefficiencies of nitrogen fertilizer and water use in Idaho cropping systems; 2) current state of precision agriculture research in Idaho; 3) ways growers can improve sustainability of crop production; 4) useful materials, publications, presentations will be listed for further education.
Results form a recent nitrogen and water study will be discussed. The study is aiming: 1)To evaluate the effects of N rates and water treatments on wheat plant growth and yield; 2)To develop methods to predict yield and grain protein content in varying N and water environments; 3)To determine the minimum N and water required to maintain wheat grain yield and quality, and 4)To develop models predicting yield loss due to N stress and yield loss due to water stress. 

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